My first Pure Romance University class was this week in Charlotte. I wasn't sure what to expect--would this be a lecture class, would we Q & A it, would this be a waste of my time.
As most of you know, Pure Romance is solely a woman's company! Our consultants, chemists, directors, producers, are all women! So why would training be any different?! As I entered the meeting room with a few of my PR Sisters, I was welcomed with loud, up-beat music, ladies dancing, and a whole lot a laughing! Never in my life have I been to a training that was free & FUN!
Being the nerd I am, I took vigorous notes, while trying to attentively listen. I walked away from the meeting with my mind racing! In the 3 hours I was there, I gained priceless knowledge! We discussed rapport, follow-up, goals, sharing our businesses. I know, I know, common sense, right?! Yes, but it's the little things we tend to forget because we're so wrapped up in everything else going on.
They've been on my mind all week!
If I want to excel in this business, it is necessary for me to sit down and actually make goals. Write them down. Say them out loud. Hang them up where I see them daily.
Guilty as charged! I, too, am a quote nerd! I Google quotes on everything, so why not for my goals?!
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not people or things." --Albert Einstein
Of course I want to be happy! So, to goal setting I went, or so I thought.
In our meeting, we talked about having both short-term & long-term goals. I believe both are essential. All of my life, I've set nearly unattainable goals, because I wanted to push myself to make it there. Being that the goals were so far out of reach, I just gave up. I didn't want to do that with this business/life journey. I thought long and hard (no pun intended), and the following is what I came up with:
- Monthly: Be able to afford a manicure.
- Monthly: Make enough money to pay the mortgage.
- Six Months In Business: Treat myself and The Pro to a couple massage. (The Pro doesn't know it yet. He is my biggest supporter and I would like to thank him! Sweet, right?!)
- Eights Months In Business: Saved enough money to attend Pure Romance's 20th Year Anniversary/World Conference 2013!
- A Year In Business: Steadily have parties 10 parties a month and repeat customers.
- Three Years In Business: Be able to have the option of making Pure Romance by Jessica my full-time business!
As I looked back at my goals, another quote came to mind...
"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me?!"
No one. Period.
I'm sure down the road, I'll add more to my goal list. I think I'm off to a good start!
With good goals, comes great success!
"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. you must set yourself on fire!"
So now, I leave you with one last quote, my MOTIVATOR!
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."
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