Thursday, March 7, 2013

Product Review: Just Like Me

It's been a very busy week at the Pure Romance by Jessica Headquarters!
Despite the late nights and running around, I actually enjoy being busy! (Especially when it lines my pockets!) 

Blogging is very new to me, as are product reviews. 
It's very easy for me to tell my best friend about a lubricant or a new toy I've tried, but the entire world?! A little intimidating!

I do believe, it is now time to put on my big girl pants and share with you some AMAZING products! 

I come from a background of selling--I've worked in the hospitality business for---EVER! Through that, I realized the best way to sell products--food, wine, lifestyle--is to taste it, smell it, immerse yourself in it! It's the same with EVERY product on the market! If you haven't tried it yourself, how can you give an opinion?! 

Before I started with Pure Romance, I was really worried about how The Pro would feel with his girlfriend starting her own SEX BUSINESS. Would he be embarrassed? Would he be supportive? Would this affect our relationship? Would it cause any problems?! These are serious questions, YOU KNOW?! 

Wouldn't you know, The Pro is my biggest supporter! He always asks how parties went, how my sales are, how much I'm making, all the important stuff! Not to mention, he loves helping out with product testing and reviewing! 

So, as promised, a PRODUCT REVIEW...

*****TMI ALERT***** 

The Pro and I haven't had the most active of sex lives lately, being that we are both swamped with work! Our nights usually consist of coming home, playing with the boys, and sitting on the couch to watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! Exciting, I know?!? 

After some time, sitting on the couch gets uncomfortable. I do believe I have RBS--restless body syndrome! It was bond to happen sooner or later, I would have a wedgie from all of the movement. The Pro and I have an open relationship, very comfortable with one another, so I stuck my hand down the front of my pants and got the wedgie! 

The Pro, with his keen peripheral vision, just saw my hand go down the front of my pants. So he decided to take over--rubbing my clitoris, that is. And I didn't stop him! It only took a few minutes for me to get wet and ready to jump his bone! Before, I decided to climb on top, I thought, "Hey, we could try a new lube!! Woohoo!"  Over to my sex box I ran, grabbed the first lube my fingers touched, and promptly returned to my man! 

won the draw!

We both applied the lube to ourselves--great visual for one another! He applied a dime-nickel size amount to the shaft and head of his penis, and I a dime size amount into my vagina and labia. I then proceeded to mount him! 

Helllllllllllo Couch Sex! 
(For those of you who visit my house, the couches are clean!)

I will spare you the main details! 
We tousled around for quite some time. We both were pleased when we finished! 

Whew! For those of you who are still with me--the actual review!
Just Like Me is a water-based, re-wetting lubricant. Ladies, we all know our vaginas have a very delicate PH balance, and anything introduce to it will throw that balance off. Just Like Me is very similar to our natural vaginal secretions. The consistency is smooth and easy to control, as its very mild and gentle. The dispensing pump makes it ideal to use, less mess! 

I thought the lubricant was very light, almost as though I wasn't using a lubricant at all. (The Pro had the same feeling.) I would use this as an every day, run-of-the-mill lubricant. I really liked that Just Like Me stayed wet the entire duration of our play! This would be a great lubricant for someone who has never used anything before and would like to start--which I HIGHLY recommend!

Contact me today to order Just Like Me!

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